Thursday, July 7, 2011

nap -weird dream

So this felt a lot like being in an episode of Dr. Who.  I was with a group of people.  We'd been dealing with strange things, that I think, had to do with an alternate reality.  I think it mirrored our own and maybe was advanced in time.  Some kind of evil genius had started a kind of reaction in which reality was stretching and slicing into tings and people.  It was very much like parts of reality were moving broken mirrors.  The part of the dream I remember best is after we had found the source of the problem, having to do with some revenge plot, and maybe using this effect as a weapon and then it got out of control.  My friends and I were on a bus.  We did have someone like the Dr. Who we were following.  Also on the bus we met a woman who it turned out was one of our friend's girlfriends.  She was intending to propose to him when he got home.  She saw some of the crazy . . slicing in the bus, and when he got home and saw her again, it started happening there and hurting his family.  The breaks were getting worse and worse.  One of the older heads of the family had their head cut off.  And then I woke up.  Dad woke me up and my heart was racing. 

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