Wednesday, July 6, 2011

morphing dreams- magic, role playing and a party

I'm not sure if the wizards duel came first or the bar, but I think it was the bar.   I remember. .going there a 2nd time.  It was a dark and small bar, but people I knew.. mostly from larpting seemed to show up there.   I think I went there after going to the wizard's school.  I think there was a bluring of role playing and live action in the dream.  I was supposed to fight someone else at the school, but it had been. . a long time since I'd actually gone over spells and I couldn't remember which ones I knew.  I'd been given some kind of advice that a certain book would help me and so I went searching through the empty school for an old spell book. Eventually I found it and I remember looking for a good spell.  I know we got some spells off, and I remember having to tell an ST about my plans to get him before I cast the spell.  we ended up following each other on flying sort of toy railroad cars. and I don't remember who won or what happened next.  I remember going back to the bar and then going to someone's house where mike and this other woman  were running an old wod live action changeling game.  I think we had some new people and there was something going on in front of us,  and something behind.  I tried to use a power, but the book I had that described it was really confusing.  Also the woman storyteller left and we weren't sure if she was ever coming back.  Then a bunch of people showed up  for a party at that house.  The different parts of the dream started to blur together.

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