Tuesday, August 3, 2010


O.k. Kids, so I just saw the movie, and I want to talk about it. I'm starting with people I know who have seen it because I don't intend to hold back with spoilers. Fortunately you probably can't see the wave unless you are viewing the blog directly. So if you do so, there will probably be spoilers. If you have seen it, by all means view the blog directly and comment either in the wave or in comments. Please do so. . . I saw it by myself and am dying to get more people's takes on the movie.


  1. Hi Brian, Ann Whalen here. I saw Inception and here are my takes on it. I thought in the end that the top was wobbling, indicating it wasn't a dream any longer, but here's what didn't make sense to me. When he went to the hotel room and it was destroyed and he looks out the window, why is Mol in another building on the same floor across the way? Why isn't she jumping out of the window that he goes to? Lots of mirror imaging and things like Stephen King's story turned into a movie with Johnny Depp; Secret Window. Also, I thought the plot about the Cillian Murphy character way too involved to be just an excuse for him to come to terms with his wife's death. I'm still pondering it.

  2. hope you don't mind me responding in the wave. I figured you could see it, since you were able to post to it! if it's still confusing I can respond on here instead. also, btw, I'm following your blog now :)

